Theory of Planned Behaviour

Name of theory Theory of Planned Behaviour Key reference (Ajzen, 1991) Description The Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) is a model to explain determinants of behaviour and is an extension of the Theory of Reasoned Action. The model consists of four predictors of behaviour: attitudes, subjective norms, perceived behavioural control, Read more…

Technology Acceptance Model

Name of theory Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) Key reference Davis, 1989 Description The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) describes the process by which end-users decide whether or not to adopt a new technology. This can be the use of a physical product, but also the use of an app or website. Read more…

Signal detection theory

Name of theorySignal detection theory (also known as detection theory) Description Signal detection theory (SDT) is a method to differentiate between various actions and consequences in decision making processes. Other theories might simply consider a decision to be right or wrong, but signal detection theory differentiates those responses based on Read more…

COM-B Model

Name of theory COM-B Model Key reference (Michie et al., 2011) Description The COM-B model explain determinants of behaviour and is an acronym for the four factors it contains: Capability, Opportunity, and Motivation as the three predictors that lead to Behaviour. Each of the three predictors can be further broken Read more…