Welcome to the project “Cybersecurity for Psychology”
The goal of this project is to link the fields of cybersecurity and psychology and thus create a new professional field of psychology.
Responsible for the project
This project is funded by the European Union through the Erasmus+ programme. The beneficiary, the Chair of Occupational and Organizational Psychology at Saarland University, works in partnership with 3 organizations: CISPA – Helmholtz Centre for Information Security, Tallinna Tehnikaulikool and Leiden University.
Project content
The demand for trained experts in the field of digital security is steadily increasing in part due to the ongoing digitalization. In addition to technical solutions in the field of software and hardware design, the professional expertise of qualified psychologists is needed to integrate the human factor into the security systems utilizing robust scientific foundations.
“Cybersecurity for Psychology”, in short “CySec4Psych”, aims to give young psychologists and students of psychology a first insight into the exciting field of IT security. On this page we provide information that introduces interested parties to the new topics and central challenges in this new field.
Project Partners
This project is funded by the European Union within the Erasmus+ programme

Get in Touch
Find us at the office
Saarland University
Building A1.3, Ground Floor
66123 Saarbrücken