Although we regretfully announce the postponement of the CySec4Psych Jam originally scheduled for August 21st and 22nd, 2023, we are pleased to have had the opportunity to plan such an event and test if the materials we developed would be suitable for the event’s agenda. This experience has provided us with a solid blueprint for organizing similar events in the future.

The decision to postpone was made due to a low response rate from potential participants. Uniting cybersecurity researchers in psychology is a unique challenge, but one we are determined to overcome. The insights gained from this process have been transformative. They have not only illuminated the path forward but have also given us confidence that future events with similar goals will flourish, thanks to the now-gained insights and blueprint for such an event.

With a refined approach and a more fitting date, we are poised to bring together a vibrant community of experts in psychology and cybersecurity.


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