Operant conditioning

Name of theory Operant conditioning Description Operant conditioning is a method of learning where behaviours are shaped based on reinforcements and punishments. These reinforcements and punishments come in positive and negative forms. A positive reinforcement means that someone gains something they would want by performing the behaviour, such as a Read more…

Loss aversion

Name of concept Loss aversion Key reference (Kahneman & Tversky, 1979) Description Loss aversion is the idea that people will seek to avoid losses more than they would work towards a gain of an equal magnitude. For example, people will want to avoid losing €10 more than they would put Read more…

Fundamental attribution error

Name of concept Fundamental attribution error Description The fundamental attribution error suggests that people overestimate the influence of someone’s dispositions and personality in their behaviour, and underestimate the role, or even power, of the situation that people are in. This means that when people are confronted with unexpected behaviours from Read more…